My oldest son, Alex, just moved out. He moved to the dorms at Georgia Tech and is taking a couple of summer classes there. It's a little hard for me, but I'm very excited for him. He's already settled in and is having a great time. The guys who live on his floor at the dorms have all formed a band and enjoy playing songs for the girls on the floor below. The guys also get out of their rooms to go play soccer, basketball and frisbee after dinner. Alex is meeting a lot of new people and is learning his way all around campus. I think this is a great way for him to get started on his college life before the frenzy of freshmen start in the fall semester. We're very glad that he's doing so well!
Tyler is enjoying a fun summer of hanging out and playing video games. He got to move into his brother's old room in the basement so he's been keeping cool even in the 100+ degree temperatures.

I started with the center of the bump, which is a mossy green, and today I finished spinning that color and moved onto a light green and then a pale blue-purple color. It's so much fun!
Happy crafting, everyone!