It's birthday season in my household. My birthday was in February, oldest son's is the middle of March, and also in March is mother-in-law's and father-in-law's birthdays along with my mom's birthday. Youngest son's birthday is in April, so it's a busy few birthday months!
I have been spinning on my new spinning wheel. Some time last week I watched yet another tutorial video and it just clicked. I think I'm doing the short draw or inchworm method, and I had been trying the long draw method. The fiber was just fighting with me, and yes I was making yarn, but it seemed a little bit too hard to do. Once I tried short draw, the fiber seemed to draft so much easier, and it worked so much better. I still have plenty of thick and thin spots, but it's getting better. I started using some of my pretty fibers since I may have an allergy to lanolin. I've been getting a rash on my forearms, and the doctor thinks it could be from the fiber. The inexpensive fiber that I was using was pretty greasy and still had bits of hay in it, so I may try to wash it and then use it after that.
I'm still working on my Harry Potter Ravelry group projects. My Lexi Cardigan is coming along well, I'm working on both sleeves right now. I'm doing them separately but at the same time-a few rows on one, and then a few rows on the other one. My Lacy Cocoon Sweater is also moving along, the body is done on that and I'm now working on the ribbing band. Still hoping to have both of these projects done by the end of March!