Sunday, September 19, 2010

Grandma's Wrap Update

I'm still working on the Duxbury Point Wrap for my mom. It's going well, but still going slow. In the meantime, I've finished up a couple of knitting projects as well as gotten some sewing done. Everything gets put on hold this afternoon at 3pm, though. Why? Because Iron Knitter2 Round 2 will start then!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Mom's Got A New Wallet

First of all, it's my anniversary today with my husband Dustin. We've been married for 18 years! Secondly, I finished a pair of socks today. I made them for a Ravelry competition called The Iron Knitter 2. The socks are for Round 1 of the competition. I really like how the socks turned out. Since I was feeling so creative and productive, I finished a project that's been sitting on the sewing machine for a couple of weeks now. It's a wallet. My old wallet was falling apart and I found an awesome tutorial for making a wallet at Confessions of a Fabricaholic. The tutorial is fun, with step-by-step instructions and pictures. Most importantly, it turned out great and now I've got a new wallet!